Food Lifestyle Wellness

Gentle ways to get back on track post-holiday

January 1, 2022

If you overindulged this holiday you may feel ready to reset. The good news is that you don’t need a crash diet to get back on track. Your body is resilient and knows how to heal itself. Here are a few gentle ways you can help it along the way.

Start the day with lemon water

Begin your day with warm lemon water and sip it throughout the day. Lemons provide several health benefits, which combined with warm water, can promote hydration and stimulate digestion throughout the day. Consuming enough water is essential to help your liver and kidneys filter out toxins. Try sipping on warm green tea before and after meals to keep your metabolism and digestive fire strong. Fennel tea is a great choice as well, as it relieves digestive problems such as indigestion, bloating, flatulence, constipation, intestinal gas, heartburn, and even irritable bowels.

Focus on plant-based meals – fiber-rich and body loving

Although you may be tempted to eat very little after feasting, it’s important to focus on deeply nourishing, healthy meals. Think plant-based, lots of greens and fiber, extra fruits and veggies. I make the majority of my meals plant-based, and always gluten-free and dairy-free. When I want to deeply nourish, and take the stress out of planning I order Sakara so it’s done for me. Its the ultimate expression of self-love. Its important during colder months to move away from too many salads and smoothies and instead add in nourishing broths, and warming bowls. This follows ancient Chinese and Ayurvedic principles around eating for the seasons.

Try Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is a simple way to get the benefits of a fast without feeling like you’re deprived of food. Eat your last meal no later than 7 p.m. in the evening, and try a delicious cup of ‘bulleproof coffee‘ in the AM instead of breakfast the next day. The coffee, grass-fed butter and MCT oil will leave you satiated while your body continues to fast. It is in this fasting state that your body is much better able to burn fat as fuel. Once lunchtime rolls around, you’ll have fasted for over 16 hours, giving your digestive system a total reset. If you’re not feeling the caffeine, try Sakara metabolism powder in warm plantbased milk, along with chai or Matcha, I only use this brand, along with sweetener of choice. There’s also a super cool fasting app. I also love doing a fasting mimicking program 1-2 times a year, Prolon is great because you can eat, but it tricks your body into thinking you are fasting. Use code BPGlow for 20% off at Bulletproof.

Add in gentle movement

If you find yourself feeling a little puffy, stiff or stressed add in stretching and gentle movement. I love Tasha Franken Pilates as all her flows incorporate movement and stretching. Some are specifically focused on bloating and digestion. She is always adding in gentle twists that boost detoxing. Twisting poses compress the muscles and organs, blocking the flow of blood. When releasing the poses, the blood flows back into those areas, improving circulation. Yoga, movement or any kind of stretching is the quickest way to get your energy system back into balance, plus it boosts your mood. I always feel incredible after one of her flows, energizing, yet relaxing, no cortisol spikes here!


Try getting your sweat on with a visit to an infrared sauna. Infrared is the type of light used to heat objects in the sauna instead of air, allowing the body to sweat at lower temperatures. Because infrared light penetrates deeper, the heat pulls out toxins deep under the skin and exfoliates them through the skin—which is amazing for detoxifying and weight loss! But, ANY kind of sauna that you have access to can be miraculous when it comes to cleansing. Use what you have available, and check out places near you that might have one. I love the Higher Dose for at home use, its a sauna blanket and it can easily be placed under a coach or bed who not in use!  You’ll feel amazing after!

Eat with Intention

Eating with intention is my ultimate tip – it allows you to feel satiated but in listening to your anger cues, avoid the feelings of regret that follow overindulgence. Enjoy what’s on your plate, no shame! The more you stress out over the small stuff, the worse it will be for your body than the food itself! Eat with gratitude and intention, and cherish the love that was infused into your meals.You don’t have to go to extremes to reset your body after a festive feast. Take care of your body with the intention of mindfulness, nourishment and self-love.

Try ACV before meals

I’ve also found my clients respond really well to taking apple cider vinegar before meals, for those that don’t love taking a swig (who does?), Goli makes apple cider vinegar gummies which are yummy dn good for you. Use exclusive code The Glow Wellness to save 10%

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