
Supplements for Beautiful, Glowing Skin

August 5, 2018
beautiful glowing skin

Beautiful, glowing skin truly does begin with what is on your plate. I feel like the #1 thing that transformed my skin was eating mostly plant-based with Sakara. It was when I started consuming mostly plants that I noticed my skin started to glow from within. There are some other things you can do that relatively simple that can up your glow. And remember, you are what you do most of the time. So consistency matters big time! Focus on a client diet, lots of water, a good sweat and supplements and I promise in time you will see an improvement.

  1. Up your water. I am not a big water drinker but adding the Sakara Beauty Water and Detox Water totally changed the game for me.
  2. ACES + Zinc: This supplement stands for Vitamins A,C,E, Selenium and Zinc. These vitamins and minerals work synergistically to enhance your skin as they are each known as beauty vitamins. Vitamin C, for example, helps build collagen in the skin, which is what gives your skin its elasticity. Vitamin E is a potent antioxidant that works from the inside out to help get you more healthy looking skin. You can find this in supplement form, in one pill, I like using this brand.
  3. Probiotics: This is one supplement that I think most people NEED to have in addition to eating probiotic-rich foods. My favorite sources of probiotic-rich foods include coconut yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut, tempeh, miso, kefir and fermented protein powders and this glow supplement
  4. Fish Oil: Fish oil as a supplement is another great addition to include for healthy, glowing skin. Most people following a typical Standard American Diet (SAD) are deficient in omega-3 fatty acids which we need in the body. Our bodies use these omega-3’s as a way to reduce inflammation and also work from the inside out to get clearer and more radiant skin. Make sure to find a reputable fish oil source that is pure and fresh. I like Genuine Health and Nordic Naturals brands. Healthy fats like these are essential for supple looking skin!
  5. Collagen supplement: As we age, we lose collagen and this is what helps keep our skin looking supple and young. Sadly, nothing can be done about that, but we can take a collagen supplement that helps to build more collagen and reduce fine lines, wrinkles and improve the appearance of our skin. Not all collagen supplements are created equal and you want to look for one that is tested and pure. I like using this brand as they have results to back up their claims, plus they have zero taste and blend amazingly well in hot or cold drinks. Adding vitamin C to your collagen is recommended to increase absorption, I like taking it with my lemon water in the morning or adding it to my smoothies.

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