Food Wellness

My Sakara: A Story of Healing + discount code (2024 Sakara review)

January 5, 2024
Sakara 25% off

Save 20% on any Sakara meal plan with the code GLOWSAKARA

My life transformed when I started Sakara. For those of you not familiar with Sakara, Sakara is an organic plant-based meal delivery service. It started in 2015, and truthfully I was searching for help. My energy was low, I was suffering from erratic periods, and I was hopping from doctor to doctor to try to figure out what was wrong with me. I think I initially read an article about Sakara being loved by Victoria’s Secret models. Vanity clicked in and I was intrigued. Then I visited the Sakara website and saw the two glowing beauties that are Sakara’s founders – Danielle and Whitney. They were not only beautiful but they seemed to embody health. It was certainly aspirational. But what I loved is they weren’t preaching a diet mentality. They were talking about something novel at time…food for nourishment, for vitality, to thrive. They were actually anti-diet; no calorie counting, lots of healthy fats. Sakara actually continues to be against counting calories, and they do not include nutrition info on any of their meals.

Here is a Little More Info About My Journey as a Sakaralite…

I think I knew right away I had stumbled upon something special. I actually consider Sakara my healer, my anti-aging secret, my anti-inflammatory diet and my skin care routine. Can one meal delivery program really do all that? Well in 2015 I started with two full weeks of the meals being delivered to my home. (I actually always recommend new clients start this way). It takes time to really change your diet and you cannot expect to eat this way a few days and notice results. 

The First Two Weeks

Here’s what I noticed right away. The meals were freshly prepared and super unique. Each meal was packaged to highlight the superfoods included within. This is one of the main things that makes Sakara so special. Can you get a salad from Sweetgreen or Whole Foods and get lots of value from the nutrients within? Yes, but Sakara prides itself on unique nutritional pillars- locally grown produce that is seasonal. Eating seasonally is key. In fact the meals being delivered in the California market are different than the meals I eat being in the NY market. Everything is organic. Then, they include over 250 different plant-based ingredients. Every day, every week is different. The meals literally flood your body with nutrients. Then there are the greens- at least 15 cups in every weeks meals.To learn more: at the forefront of the plan are the signature Sakara Pillarsyou can read more about on their site: plant protein, good fats, greens, eating the rainbow, nutrient density, sulfur-rich veggies, body intelligence, filling up on foods naturally full of water, and absolutely no calorie counting.


Sakara nutrition information

So at first, it was an adjustment, let’s be honest. I mean I have never eaten this many greens in my life. But about 5 days in, here is what I noticed. I was pooping better than ever before. Yup, TMI. But I have suffered from IBS-C from the time I was a small child, so this was MAJOR.  My bloating went down considerably. I felt as if I was going through a major detox but here’s the kicker- without the deprivation. I was full, like really full. The meals were satisfying, dare I even say luxurious and decadent. I mean I was eating things I shied away from for years- like a chocolate love muffin, and a marguerita flatbread, a vegan beet burger and a grilled “cheese”.

Yes, at first I was scared, I was for sure eating more carbs that I had in years and more fat too. The dressings and sauces were rich and full of good fats like olive oil and coconut oil. But I trusted the process and the fact that the program was nutritionally designed to be sound. I knew the program was free of the common hormone, endocrine and inflammatory disrupters (gluten, soy, dairy) too. 

I truly felt full.

It was so satisfying to feel like I could eat more than I ever had in my life. Gone were the days where I was watching my portions and stressing over sweets, having a 4-ounce chicken breast for lunch and beating myself up over that night out where I ordered dessert. The fat kept me full, and satiated, as did the extra greens, but it was those killer breakfasts (sweetened naturally) that quelled my sweet tooth and made me feel like I was cheating (!!) Plus, I was consistently filling up on water (via the water-rich ingredients and meals themselves, and the included beauty and detox waters, and tea). Where water used to be an afterthought to me, having the Sakara beauty and detox waters and teas included helped make drinking a habit; something I continue to do today, even when not on the program I love to enjoy the Sakara water concentrates and teas.

sakara breakfast

The Plus Side: The Unexpected Amazing Side-Effects   

I didn’t expect Sakara to change my life, it just did.

I had previously been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and a thyroid disorder. My energy improved immediately, but after two weeks my body pain also decreased by about 80%. I had suffered with hormonal acne due to my periods being unstable, and though my skin was by no means bad, it cleared and started to become luminous. I actually spend next to nothing on my skincare routine now because Sakara is my skincare. My weight stabilized. But here is what I love about that. Sakara delivers meals Monday-Friday. Why? Because their message is, balance. They believe you should enjoy your life. So on the weekends, I stuck to my usual routine; dinner with friends, a few drinks, dessert. I’m a real foodie and I never want to deprive myself. But on Monday, after a weekend of indulging – the scale stayed the same. 

Sakara truly level set my weight.

My doctors still cannot believe when I share with the numerous specialists I see that I have kept the symptoms of my autoimmune conditions at bay. This past Summer I was diagnosed with lyme disease, and it turns out it may have been the cause of a lot of my unexplained symptoms. My lyme doctor truly believes it took this long to get to my diagnosis because I was so healthy, I was impossible to diagnosis. My blood work never showed the lyme. I knew the secret was my plant-based diet. I am so thankful that despite the fact that my body is pre-disposed to inflammation I have been able to successfully keep my disease state at bay through diet.

My Little Secret That I Was Ready to Share 

I remember those first few weeks walking around thinking I had discovered this secret that no one else knew.  I mean I was “finally full”. Not just physically but emotionally. Sakara flipped a switch in me. Gone were the days of thinking about what to eat, or stressing about it. I was eating more, but my weight was stable. My skin glowed like I was lit from within. My digestion was humming. My inflammation markers went down (as measured by my doctors). My period was regular. I had more energy than I had in years and my sleep was sound.

When I started discussing becoming an ambassador with Sakara in 2016 I was elated. I finally felt like I could share my secret with the world. I hope you enjoyed my story and I hope Sakara can serve you the way it has served me. Try Sakara for yourself and let me know what you think. Save 20% on any Sakara meal plan with the code XOHEATHERE. And, as always, feel free to ask me any questions you may have. After almost 4 years, I know all the ins and outs!

Life Changing Results

sakara results

Try it out for yourself! Save 20% on any Sakara meal plan with the code GLOWSAKARA

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