Anti-Aging Wellness

A new “gold” standard for anti-aging

June 20, 2019

If you’ve followed me for a while you know that I had pretty much sworn off Botox and cosmetic fillers. Partially out of fear of looking “overdone”, and seeing way too many women who seemed overfilled and frozen. At 71, my mom has not touched her face yet she looks amazing. I often wondered if doing too much to your face may work in reverse (of course every dermatologist will tell you this isn’t true and that preventative measures ARE good). I think I have been afraid of disturbing the natural aging process.  It is worth noting I also had a BAD Botox experience. I injected my forehead and was overinjected, causing my eyes to droop and close in and my eyebrows to fall. Not a great experience. It is worth noting that I was injected by an APRN, not a board-certified doctor.

So I am not the most ideal patient for an anti-aging practice because most are generally in favor of the aforementioned. But I was so pleasantly surprised to come across Tribeca MedSpa. I was first drawn in by what seemed to be an endless list of celeb clients singing their praises (most recently Whitney Port, (Hi Hills Fans!, who looks amazing BTW). But from the get go I expressed my concerns to Victoria, the Medical Aesthetician at the practice. I felt my skin was starting to sag, lose elasticity, and was lacking a glow. Oh and those fine lines, around the eyes and forehead, were starting to deepen. Victoria heard me out. She also educated me that Botox and fillers were not necessarily invasive but in fact quite natural (made with hyaluronic acid). I told her I wasn’t entirely opposed as much as I was a little gun shy and she had the perfect treatment to refresh my skin, minimize lines and give me back the glow I was lacking at now 43.

It was called AQUAGOLD® . I hadn’t heard of it. AQUAGOLD® fine touch™ is a revolutionary microneedle device that contains 24 karat needles – each of which is smaller than a hair follicle. It creates small channels in your skin for product to penetrate more deeply. The device delivers products such as Retinol, Vitamin C, growth factors, antioxidants, Botox, or dermal fillers directly into the skin with virtually no pain or downtime. Deeper penetration of these active ingredients results in a more healthy and vibrant appearance of the skin. So wait was this Botox then?  Yes, my treatment included some Botox, but as part of a “cocktail”, and in a lower dose. Also, they were not being delivered by needles but only at the surface level to provide and overall plumpness and smoothing.

The treatment was so simple and quick, no numbing, no downtime. It was over in about 20-30 minutes. I immediately looked more glowy and now a week later I would say my skin is at an another level – super dewy, even toned and fine lines smoothed and relaxed. I left the treatment without makeup and have continued to wear no makeup. I am so happy with the results.

The procedure was performed by Laura Altman RPA-C, MS Physician Assistant, Plastic Surgery – see videos of Laura describing and performing the treatment. Upon consultation,  Laura customized a “cocktail” of anti-aging and rejuvenating products to address my specific skincare concerns.  Read more about Laura and the whole staff here.

After the treatment I enjoyed a CBD facial mask from MĀSK (an add on).

Using only hand-picked, plant-derived ingredients and full-spectrum CBD oil, the MĀSK was developed to restore skin to balance, ease and radiance. ‍As CBD oil calms the inflammation that can lead to skin distress, botanicals alleviate dryness, settle irritation and encourage cell turnover for skin that looks clearer, calmer, deeply hydrated and glowing with health. The MĀSK also hs hyaluronic acid, which is an amazing hydrating anti-aging ingredient. Every ingredient is all natural and is ranked a 1 on the EWG database to make everything completely safe for your skin.

I wholeheartedly recommend this treatment and the amazing staff at Tribeca Medspa and I cannot wait to return. I also just loved Victoria’s refreshing approach- she truly believes everyone deserves to know the confidence that comes with clear, glowing and gorgeous skin! Visit the Tribeca MedSpa site to learn more about this treatment here.

In the meantime, here are answers to a few common questions:

Why use AQUAGOLD® fine touch™ for anti-aging?

Anti-aging products that are applied directly to the surface of this skin can have wonderful effects in the reduction of fine lines. These results, however, can be superficial and quickly can fade. Applying anti-aging products directly under the skin allows them to be absorbed much more effectively and with a much longer duration of effectiveness, as these products don’t have to bypass the natural protective barrier of the skin. In addition, a personalized approach to skin anti-aging can be provided to each patient.

Why use AQUAGOLD® fine touch™ with dermal fillers?

Deeper wrinkles often require larger needles and more volume of dermal fillers. However, other problem areas, such as fine lines around the eyes, or lost volume in the upper lip, are much more suited to the AQUAGOLD® device treatment. By using these unique microneedles, you can achieve a natural, smoother appearance.

What can I expect with an AQUAGOLD® fine touch™ procedure?

The procedure is virtually pain free and unlike many dermal fillers injections, treatment does not require injection anesthetic block procedures. The skin of the face is cleansed, and the chosen anti-aging agents are placed in the sterile tube of the AQUAGOLD ® delivery device. The AQUAGOLD® delivery device is then pressed into the skin in an overlapping pattern, and the microneedles penetrate the skin, delivering the skin anti-aging treatment underneath the skin, smoothing the skin in an even and attractive fashion. A variety of anti-aging materials can be used in a personalized skin care approach. The unique process of AQUAGOLD® can allow painless delivery of dermal fillers, Botox® and anti-aging agents all in one sitting, with no downtime required.

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