Lifestyle Wellness

New year, let’s do this

December 31, 2023

Rejoice, Release, Reinvent
(The best activity for letting go of 2023 and moving to 2024 with real intention and joy – try it!)

I’m grateful for the spirit of this season today, and I’m grateful for YOU. 

Today, I want to introduce you to my “Rejoice, Release, Reinvent” activity for end of year reflection. 

So prepare for a mega-thread of questions for you to reflect on and capture in your journal. 

Now, to my 2024 activity for you…

Rejoice, Release, Reinvent

This morning, I also just finished a journal activity I do called “Rejoice, Release, Reinvent.” 

I spent an hour in my Journal just writing about 3 big buckets:

What were the top 10 memories from 2023? 
What 3 challenges did I face well?
What new skills did I develop?
Who did I serve well this year?
What got better for me this year?
What grace was I granted this year?
What awful things did *not* happen that I feared?
What made me feel alive this year?
Who did I have a special connection with this year?
Which new friend meant a lot to me this year?
Who supported me this year?
What struggle gave me new powers?
What other blessings should I remember?

What do I need to spend less time worrying about?
What do I need to spend less time doing next year?
What 3 bad moments do I need to emotionally release from the year?
What project do I need to dump or quit?
What will I no longer do in 2024?
Who do I need to spend less time around?
What do I need to admit is failing?
Which bad habits can I quit now?
What drama do I need to forgive?
Who do I need to forgive?
What should I let go of to get stronger?
How can I release my anger?
How can I release my hurt?
How can I release negative thinking?
How can I release my physical tension?
How can I release expectation and be PRESENT MORE.

What NEW thoughts will give me an edge in 2024? (reminder to watch my webinar on “ultra mindset“)
What part of me do I want to express more in 2024?
What new health routines will give me more energy?
What new skills do I desire to develop?
What good thing should I double down on?
What new project will I take on?
What boundaries should I set?
What kind of nutritious meals do I want to learn to make?
Who do I want to meet and network with?
How can I be a better role model for my family, team and community?
How can I spend 3 more hours per week on a passion of mine?
What new morning, mid-day, and evening routines can ground me in peace and joy?
What can I build, learn or invest in now that will lead to outsized returns in 5-10 years?
What are the new trends that will affect my career and business in three years, and do I need to start learning them?
What are the next five great adventures I’m going to take with my spouse, my friends and my family??


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