Anti-Aging Wellness

Age Awesome: Caddis is anti-anti aging with readers and blue light blockers you’ll want to wear

April 13, 2023
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If someone had told me the day would finally come where I would be wearing reading glasses I just wouldn’t have believed them. But alas, at 47 that day is here. Since I feel 27 (lol) I was on a quest to make sure I was going to still look fashionable while reaching this landmark moment.

When I heard Caddis Eyewear, a brand aiming to make readers (and the concept of aging in general) a comfortable thing, I was definitely on board. I immediately opted into their emails and their marketing just got me. Super cool fashion-forward folks making aging look genuinely fun – they really embodied how I feel about aging.

A pandemic love story

Caddis pairs fashion and function. I love that they offer progressives, transitional, prescription and blue light only (non-persciption glasses). In fact that’s where I started with the brand, I’ve been wearing their blue light blockers throughout the pandemic and it became my pandemic love story. No, truly. No joke. On my phone and computer more than ever I was experiencing major eye strain, dry eye and headaches. Since wearing my Caddis blue light blockers that all went away.

Oh wait and the sleep – seriously the best sleep of my life! I mean everyone knows screens before bed is a big no-no and Caddis solved this for me. I no longer had to give up my late-night Insta habit.

The average American consumes over 7 hours of screen time daily. Our eyes were not built for this constant blue light binging, which can damage retinal cells and cause vision issues. Study upon study confirms the harmful effects of continuous exposure to blue light, especially when it comes to sleep (blue light messes with our ability to fall asleep and stay asleep according to a study conducted by UC Davis).

Now onto readers

These aren’t just regular readers. These are cool readers.

And one of the brand’s biggest differentiators is its Frequency® Lenses, which have blue light blocking technology infused into the lenses (as opposed to a coating that tops the lens). According to Caddis, these lenses block 45% of blue light at the most harmful wavelength of 455 nm, and they’re also clear (a feat that is not easy to accomplish when infusing technology into the actual lens). The readers have this technology built in, and the brand also sells Computer Glasses with these special lenses. Other companies usually charge extra for this feature and it is usually coated on, but Caddis figured out how to infuse the lenses using a proprietary technology it developed.

Part of Caddis Glasses culture is to joyfully embrace the aging process.
By rejecting ageist marketing and narrow social perceptions of getting older, Caddis Glasses has found a niche amongst customers who love their age and how they look, and want their reading glasses to reflect their personal style.

Lens benefits

When my Caddis shipment arrived, I was pleasantly surprised by the unique, sustainable packaging (no plastic here!). Each style comes with its own unique fun fabric case that doubles as a lens wipe.

At this point I have the Miklos (I mean I had to go with Gwennie’s fav right?), Mabuhay, Bandit and Root Cause. These frames work on everyone, I swear it. I also just love that they are so comfortable I forget I am wearing them (anyone that wears glasses knows this is no small feat).

And, I just love having my eyesight back to 20/20 after straining and not giving in to my need for readers. After waiting as long as I possibly could to reach this right of passage I quickly realized why did I wait so long? Now I am not only preserving my eye health, but feeling seriously cool while doing so.

Gwenyth Paltrow glasses
Gwyneth Paltrow in Miklos. She named Caddis one of her favorite everyday things. Gwyneth Paltrow’s glasses during the Ski Crash Trial also recently went viral. Other celebs that love Caddis include Brooke Shields, Pink and Matthew McConaughey.

More than just good marketing

Caddis Glasses was founded in 2016 by American entrepreneurs Dustin Robertson and Tim Parr. Parr noticed that even though most people over the age of 40 need reading glasses, the average store selection was either tacky, uncomfortable, or way overpriced. 

Parr wanted to change how we look at both eyewear and aging, to provide fun and high-quality reading glasses that were way too stylish to be a mere afterthought in your everyday wardrobe.

Their mission is to be an “anti anti-aging” force in the eyewear world, encouraging customers to embrace getting older and find comfortable eyewear that suits their changing vision needs and personality.

Caddis Glasses messaging is refreshing. They have a down-to-earth and relatable ethos that challenges people to reject ageist marketing ploys (and the subpar reading glasses they’ve been offered elsewhere). It’s a cool anti-anti aging stance. I just love their “age awesome” campaign. Their website and ads features beautiful, intriguing older models in their bold and stylish eyewear, proving that great fashion has no age limit!

My overall takeaway is that marketing brought me to Caddis, but the style and function have kept me a repeat customer (I am now up to four pairs). Not quite ready for readers, I encourage you to try the blue light blockers; you will experience an immediate change. My job that requires a lot of screen time – who doesn’t these days – and I can’t even put into words how helpful these have been.

I have tried less expensive blue light blocking options, like the ones from Amazon (haven’t we all?) and they just can’t compete with my Caddis blue light blockers which have the blocking capacity and build to withstand up to 10,000 cycles of taking them on and off. The proprietary frequency® technology is built into all readers in all magnifications meaning your lenses will be blocking harmful blue light without you even noticing. 

The brand is so fashion-forward I encourage you to just browse their frames for fun; you’re sure to find one (or two, or three) you love and with this special offer, it’s a no brainer. Oh and they now offer sunglasses too!

We’re here to call out the whole fountain of youth illusion, industries that profit from the fear of getting older and the concept of “aging gracefully.”

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Special offer!

Try your own Caddis frames (or sunglasses, or readers, or blue light blockers, whatever) and use their amazing try on tool with this special deal just for The Glow WellnessGLOW10 saves you 10%

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