
My top tips to help with bloating

April 1, 2021

You know those days, where no matter what you eat nothing is sitting right and you are just constantly feeling uncomfortably bloated?!

No one likes to feel that way. Here are some suggestions I have found to be the most effective to help ease the bloating discomfort.

Warm water with lemon–This is usually the first thing I have in the morning because it’s a gentle, effective way to jumpstart your digestive system.

Probiotic–Next, I take a broad spectrum probiotic which keeps things  moving (if ya know what we mean!) And it’s actually key for immune function too (read my latest blog post, link in bio) to learn about that. I love Previnex, because I have tried many, but its the only probiotic with 30 billion CFUs, NutraFlora, a prebiotic known to help colonize good bacteria, and I love that it’s shelf stable (think about it how can it survive your stomach acid if your probiotic needs to be refrigerated). Use code GLOW to try it out!

Green Juice– Helps reset the digestive system before having solid foods and does wonders for your gut health. My go to: plain celery for so many health benefits (see my post)

Actually chew your food–Yes, it sounds obvious, but did you know you’re supposed to chew each bite about 30 times- to the point of liquid

Be aware of ingredients like thickeners and preservatives in your foods – harmful ingredients like guar and acacia gums and preservatives can hide in things like almond milks, yogurts and dressings. Sugar alcohols are also a big culprit. These hinder digestion which in turn causes bloating.

Be mindful– Focus on eating and only eating when you eat, put away your foods, eat slowly and enjoy. You’ll also notice your feelings of satiety sooner!

Ease up on gluten–One study found that 87% of people who had suspected non-celiac gluten sensitivity experienced bloating. Experiment with yourself because possibly limiting carbs and/or gluten could help you!

If you try these tips, let me know how they help!

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What is the Microbiome Anyway?

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