
Improve your health easily through things you can control

April 8, 2020

We have never in our lives experienced anything like what we are going through right now. People are worried about their health, their family’s well-being, and also their financial livelihood. And since no one really knows when all of this will be over, there comes with it a certain level of anxiety and fear— meaning stress is at an all-time high.

In this uncertain time you have to focus on what you can control, to focus on what you want, not what you don’t want. When you worry about that you cannot control you just breed more fear and anxiety.

It has never been more important to take care of your health. Our health is being challenged every day. And key to that is reducing stress.

How Stress Affects Immune Health

When we’re stressed, our immune system’s ability to fight off challenges becomes suppressed—leaving us more vulnerable. In times of stress, our brain sends defense signals to our endocrine system, causing the release of hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol — you may know this as a “flight-or-fight” response.

With these hormones in charge, our body focuses energy on responding to physical threats instead of the core immune defense we all need today. Studies have shown that ongoing stress is responsible for as much as 90% of health issues.

The 3 Essentials: Reduce Stress, Improve Sleep & Balance Mood

We may not be able to control world events, but we can impact how we respond to them, decreasing the stress levels and improving immune function.

That’s why in addition to taking the necessary steps to support the health of our immune system, we can and should do the same to balance our stress response!

For some time now I have been using Your Superfoods products to help build my immune system, heal my chronic illness, balance my digestion, reduce stress and anxiety.  I trust this line, and the founders behind it, implicitly.  With thousands of multivitamins and minerals on the market, I love that these superfoods powders include what I like to call “body-ready vitamins and minerals” – a  potent combination of immune system-supporting super herbs, superfoods , through easily assimilated powders.

Your Superfoods has put together a special immunity bundle to address this unique time period and the stressors we are facing.

This bundle features four of their most popular mixes (that I have been using for some time).  All are loaded with immune-boosting benefits:

These two mixes include essential vitamins and minerals,   support healthy immune system function, help promote  mental clarity, and support the adrenal system for sustained energy without stimulants or crash.

  • Super Green mix: For greens & micronutrients Like an instant green juice for increased immunity; perfect for a time when you may not have fresh greens readily available, Super Greens contains all your essential vitamins and minerals. Extremely nutrient dense, this superfood powder is high in chlorophyll and micronutrients such as Vitamin  A, K, C, Calcium, Potassium, Folate and Iron.
  • Forever Beautiful mix: For vitamin C & antioxidants Forever Beautiful superfood powder is a blend of nutrient-dense foods high in antioxidants and micronutrients like Vitamin A, C, E, Magnesium, Calcium and Iron. Also key to immunity are acerola cherries- they are a vitamin C bomb – the most powerful antioxidant. They actually contain 32 times more Vitamin C than oranges!

The following two mixes include superfoods and nutrients that support the stress response, particularly promoting cortisol balance. They are also natural mood boosters, promote relaxation and natural sleep cycles.

  • Mellow Yellow mix: For less stress & inflammation  Perfect for distressing and helping you sleep,  Mellow Yellow is powerful blend of Ayurvedic herbs and adaptogens to help you unwind, de-stress and leave you feeling well-rested and rejuvenated. One of the key ingredients, ashwagandha, is an adaptogenic herb that not only reduces stress and anxiety, it naturally balances hormones and adrenals.
  • Magic Mushroom mix: For immunity & stress management Some of the key ingredients in this mix include chaga mushrooms – an antioxidant powerhouse. Research shows chaga can reduce oxidative stress, strengthen the immune system and improve overall health. It also includes reishi mushrooms , known as the “Queen of Mushrooms,” which help balance your body and mind by taking the edge off and enhancing your mood.

You’ll also receive a digital copy of Everyday Super Smoothies featuring 25+ recipes, plus receive the daily superfood regime of founders Kristel & Michael.  To help you during this time, you can get the Immunity Bundle for $119.00 (originally $159.50) –   it truly is an entire collection of stress, sleep and mood support products we all so desperately need right now. You can also use my code TheGlow-15 to save on any products on the site!

As our lives have become upended and a constant cycle of stress and uncertainty is ever present, this multitasking immunity bundle is a powerful tool for overall health and well-being.

If you try the bundle, please let me know what you think.

Stay healthy friends!

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