Lifestyle Wellness

Life Shifting

October 6, 2021

Can you feel it? There is a change in the air. This week we celebrate a shift in our planet.  It is a tremendously powerful day, wen the New Moon will enter Libra, the point of balance in the zodiac. New moons are a perfect time to go inward because they offer a moment of quiet. Everything is magnified during this time period so be patient and thoughtful with yourself.  Remember that what you’re feeling, and thinking amplifies what you create. Fall is a season of rebirth,  a time to emerge anew.

This is a really beautiful time for you to understand what it is that you want and what is that you want to create, and then be lead to the steps that will take you there. You may be feeling an urgency to make profound shifts in your life, and let go of relationships that no longer serve you and limited belief systems.

The important thing is to take your time, and listen deeply to what you’re feeling about certain situations. It’s important to clear your past by forgiving yourself and other people as you set your intentions to open up to new and amazing possibilities.

Let go with grace and though you might feel like you’re jumping into the unknown, know that the uncertainty of change creates possibilities. You need to believe that you can have and do deserve your deepest dreams and desires.

Keep your thoughts at a high positive level during this time of change. Maybe even setting aside time today to meditate on what you need to release, clear and shift up to what you desire to create. Visualize the change during your meditation.

Depending on where you live, that change could be subtle, like a chill in the air. The new season is afoot. 

Throw open the windows and allow the air to wash through your space. Fill every vase with flowers and enjoy the crisp air. Make something warm and soothing that comforts you. Clear the cobwebs from your mind, and enter Fall with open arms.

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