The winning combination- professional + home care for the best anti-aging results

It became increasingly clear to me over the period of the pandemic just how much I was missing my professional facials. It’s when I really started to realize that my home skin care routine really needed to be boosted by a professional. I have had many facials over my years but I think key is finding a medically-backed, medical spa practice. This truly makes all the difference as they can offer cutting-edge treatments a traditional “spa” cannot. In my recent Instagram live with Rhea Souhleris Grous, Founder of @LaSuiteSkincare , she taught me that skincare is 80% what you do at home and 20% professional treatments. I can truly attest to that. We are what we do most of the time after all. Once I was back to my regular (every 6 week) facials my skin came back from the pandemic in a big way- dead skin was slogged off and resurfaced revealing clear, glowing, luminous skin. After just a few visits back I literally felt years younger, refreshed and ready to take on the world again. I really cannot explain what a great ego boost this is. In this post today I wanted to summarize 1) the many different types … Continue reading The winning combination- professional + home care for the best anti-aging results