Get The Glow…. spilling my skin secrets

With it being my birthday month, I thought we could talk about youthfulness – particularly glowing youthful skin. It’s hard to believe I have hit my late 40s, eek, where did the time go! But along the way I have learned a thing or two! So today I am spilling ALL OF MY SECRETS for absolutely glowing skin, at any age. Your skin reflects your inner health It is an external reflection of what is happening internally. So despite beauty being a serious industry/big business, it is really the icing on the cake.  Internal Skincare The foundation of glowing, radiant healthy skin (especially as we age), is internal skincare. By internal I mean what you eat, how you take care of your body, and your emotional, mental, and spiritual health. These ALL affect how your skin looks / feels. It took me years to get where I am with my skin – my skin is taught, youthful, clear, and glowing. I didn’t think I would have the best skin of my life at 47! BUT my skin reflects how I have majorly cleaned up my diet — and my life. My skincare & makeup are now what they should be, … Continue reading Get The Glow…. spilling my skin secrets