Radiant skin comes from within

Have you ever thought that your skincare just isn’t effective? That’s because beautiful skin is much more than skin deep. I’ve noticed that as my hormones have shifted as I age, my skin has changed. I’m noticing more dryness, sunspots, loss of volume, loss of moisture and then of course the obvious- lines and wrinkles. Aging is a natural and beautiful thing that should be embraced. That being said, supporting your skin (and entire body, for that matter) throughout this time is important, which may call for some new practices. Beautiful radiant skin is always the goal. Diet is part of the equation. You certainly want to eat the rainbow. But at the top of my list, is what I call my skin ingestibles—and women over 45 like me and my client’s are quickly realizing that a lot can be done to impact skin health. As you age, your natural collagen levels begin to diminish, meaning your skin is no longer as firm and taut. Why I swear by this routine After trying collagen supplements for five years without seeing noticeable benefits, I decided to switch up my routine. I ditched coffee (due to it causing dry, dehydrated skin and … Continue reading Radiant skin comes from within